Companies > Trade / Distribution

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This sector can be broken down into the trade and distribution sectors.
The trade and distribution sectors have the same thing in common as sales, but are very different in their manifestations in everyday working life. Trade is either retail to the end consumer (B2C) or wholesale and foreign trade to business customers (B2B). Both areas, however, involve direct contact with the customer, which - e.g. through necessary presence in business premises or during certain business hours - leaves little room for flexibility. The only exception is the ever-increasing online trade.
Distribution is generally understood to be sales promotion measures, i.e. activities that support the trade or make products interesting for the trade. A distinction is often made here between sales in the field or office. Indoor sales usually take place during normal office hours, while the field sales force often involves many business trips to potential customers.
The sales and retail industry is very much dependent on the economic situation of a country or region, since the purchasing power of the people has a direct or indirect influence on it. Therefore, it is not unusual for employees to be employed here on a seasonal basis or according to individual needs. Training occupations and courses of study in this sector are retail salesman/-woman, wholesale/foreign trade salesman/-woman, business administration specialists and similar.