Live in Germany

Germany is the most densely populated country in Europe. Covering an area of 357.340 square kilometres live 81.197.537 inhabitants ( December 2014 ). The capital of Germany is Berlin. Situated in the middle of Europe the country borders the sea in the north with adjacent proximity to Denmark and in the south the Alps with neighbouring countries Austria and Switzerland. The neighbouring countries in the west are France, Belgium and The Netherlands. In East Germany's neighbours are Poland and the Czech Republic.
Germany itself is divided into four major regions. The north, south, east and west each have special landscape characteristics but also differ in tradition, culture, architecture, food and dialect regions. Until 25 years ago, Germany was, in consequence of the 2nd World War, divided into the GDR and the FRG. Thanks to a peaceful revolution in 1989, Germany is reunited today. That might be the reason why peace and freedom is so important to many Germans.
What is important to know for your living in Germany? What is interesting about Germany in general?

Legal Migration
What options are there to legally immigrate to Germany? What are the conditions for it?

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Constitutional law

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Political and social system
How is the German government structured? What social system influences the life in Germany?

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The German language
What should I know about the German language? What does the German alphabet look like?

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Food & Drink
What do Germans eat and drink? What influence has this on my everyday live?

How can I make phone calls in Germany? How do I get internet access?

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Religion & Faith
What should I know about culture and religion? Where and how can I practice my religion?


Education and Training

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What rights and restrictions are important when it comes to clothing?

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Love, Sexuality, Marriage
What special rules exist in Germany about love and sexuality? What does this mean for my behavior?

Homosexuality in Germany

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Alcohol and drugs
What should I keep in mind considering my consumer behavior? What legal rules are valid?

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Geographic information
What is interesting to know in and around Germany?

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Climate, Flora, Fauna

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Environment protection
Why is a good relationship with nature and the resources important? What can I do to help?

Holidays and rest periods
What special holidays are celebrated in Germany? When are working hours and when is recovery time?

What should I know about German history? What influence has their history on the Germans?

Recent history

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Traffic and Transport
How does the traffic system in Germany work? What options for travelling do I have?

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What are the specific characteristics of the German economy? How is the economy structured?

Work in Germany
What rights do employees in Germany have? How is the German job market structured?

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Money and Banks
