Asylum System > Unaccompanied Minors

What rules apply to refugees under the age of 18?
As minors count children and young people under the age of 18. Those who enter the EU without an adult or those who are left after entering are considered "unaccompanied minors".
Unaccompanied minors are first taken care of by the youth welfare office in charge. They are then either brought to an appropriate person, such as a relative or a foster family, or a "clearing house", where specially trained supervisors take care of them.
Together with a doctor the Youth Welfare Office then checks if a redistribution could have a negative psychological or physical consequences for the minor. In addition, the age is determined and searched for relatives at home and abroad. The supervisor finally takes care of the application for asylum. The family court then sets a guardian for the minor who takes responsibility through adolescence. It should be noted that the majority depends on the country of origin. This may be different from the German system.
I am from ... (Place of origin).
Ich komme aus … (Herkunftsort).
I am ... years old.
Mein Alter ist ... (Altersangabe).
I am not of age and need special help.
Ich bin nicht volljährig und benötige besondere Hilfe.
My parents are in ... (Location).
Meine Elter sind in ... (Ortsangabe).
I came to Germany alone.
Ich bin alleine nach Deutschland gekommen.
I lost my parents.
Ich habe meine Eltern verloren.
My parents are dead.
Meine Eltern sind tot.
I have relatives in ... (Location).
Ich habe Verwandte in (Ortsangabe).